We are now beginning the season of Lent which is one of those periods of time that seem to persist despite the apparent decline in interest in Christianity. Lent is forty days, and six Sundays, starting on Ash Wednesday on Easter Sunday.  They are supposed to remind us of the forty days and nights Jesus spent in the wilderness and the forty years that Moses and the tribes of Israel wandered through the desert until they got to their promised land. Lent is about preparation for something better and more wonderful.  It is about the journey through life.  It is also about triumphing over temptation, improving yourself and learning how to walk with God and to be totally dependent on Him.

The lesson that Moses had to learn was how to lead a nation of slaves and turn them into a nation of free people but relying on God for water and all their other provisions.  This learning to rely on God is something we all need to learn afresh in our generation.  Particularly as we face so many challenges from the world economy and international terrorism.

Jesus’s temptation was different.  He had supernatural powers which He could have used to serve Himself and advance His career.  For Jesus the temptation was to make sure that, while He was entrusted with these things, He would only use them to glorify God and to fulfill His mission.  In our age of self fulfilment and self gratification it is very hard to say no to yourself. Why should you not use all your skills and talents just to serve yourself?  Why should you share what you have with others?  An even harder lesson is to walk in humility, going unnoticed and yet still achieving God’s purposes in your life.

Motherhood, which we celebrate in the middle of Lent, 15th March this year, is a little like that.  Mothers give up so much and it is often taken completely for granted for many years by all around them.  It is only when the child grows up and has children of their own that they fully appreciate all their mothers and fathers did for them.  Sadly, some never do.

In this period of Lent you can give up something like chocolate, or smoking, which is of course self-improving, or you can do something which is positive and good in partnership with Christian Aid.  If you can do that without drawing attention to yourself you will receive blessings and rewards both in this life and in heaven.  Don’t let Lent go past without asking yourself ‘Where am I going on my journey through life?  Am I seeking to please myself, please others, or please God?  What could I learn from a little time in the wilderness focussing on the big issues and the message God has for my life?’

We will be celebrating Lent and Easter in lots of different ways at Christ Church.  Why not find out more?

With every good wish,
Yours sincerely,
Revd. Canon Jonathan Ford.
Minister Christ Church Moreton Hall

