Once again I find myself in the strange position of writing an article when momentous events are about to happen and I don’t know the outcome. Whatever I write here will seem outdated and irrelevant once we know the results.
There are two things dominating our thinking at the moment. One is the outcome of the referendum, “To leave or not to leave – that is the question” (to paraphrase Shakespeare), and of course England’s progress in the European Cup.
The reason I pair these together is firstly because the outcomes of both are so uncertain. When you see minnow teams like Albania doing so well and other, more successful sides like France, playing so badly you begin to wonder. Then, there is the contrariness of the referees’ decisions; one false move can make such a difference to so many people and the outcome of history. The same parallels can be made of the EU debate. Most people I talk to are either totally convinced by the flimsiest of evidence or, more like me, somewhat confused by who to believe and what is the truth. It is so sad that the debate has degenerated into little more than a slanging match.
That is why the tragic death of Jo Cox has brought everything into sharp relief. Whatever the mental state and beliefs of her murderer, he must have genuinely believed that he was doing good and something positive by murdering a defenceless woman who had given herself in public service. Written out in cold print, it seems illogical and, if I might say so, mad. But nonetheless, that is the process that was going on. I am quite sure he thought he was doing something to save his country and himself from some terrible disaster that lay ahead.
One of the outcomes of this lady’s tragic death is that it seems to have sobered the nation. What on earth are we doing if people are going to kill other people over the uncertainties of the future? I hope in the last few days it will lead to a more measured response and sober consideration and prayer by everyone who votes.
As I sit down with my family evening after evening to watch some of the football, I am struck by the thought of the billions of pounds paid in tickets, salaries, advertising and organisation, just so a few people can kick a football about and win a title which is quickly forgotten, (how many people can remember the European champions of thirty years ago, twenty years ago or even ten years ago). One begins to wonder about what we see as a priority in our lives. Perhaps that is the point of football tournaments; they are a distraction from the horrors that are all around us every day.
The other thing is that I am struck that the death of one person changed everything for everybody. Jesus Christ’s death opened a way from the certainty of death to the promise of eternal life with God in heaven. As a Christian, my future is secured. Whatever the outcome of the referendum or the European tournament, I know that, because I put my trust in Christ, my future is secure. It may not be as financially secure as I would like, but it is secure. It may not be as comfortable or as rich as I would like, but it is secure. Best of all, my final resting place is secure. Because Jesus rose from the dead I am absolutely confident there is a heaven and there is a special life for me, a believer, when I die. Once you grasp that point, lots of other things like football tournaments and the referendum, seem to fall away. That is the central message of Christianity; what happens when we die. Because one person has died everything has changed.
So I call on all of us to think again about what is really important irrespective of the outcomes of these events and, having reflected on that, do something about it which will secure your future and possibly your family’s future for ever.
Christian Aid Week
Moreton Hall I am so proud of and grateful for you generosity. And I am very thankful for the hard work of the organisers, the deliverers, the collectors and the counters. We raised a Final grand total £2,538.76. thank you so much.
With every good wish,
Yours sincerely,
Revd. Canon Jonathan Ford.
Minister Christ Church Moreton Hall
8.30am Holy Communion
10.30am All Age Worship
6.30pm New Wine DVD
10.30am Morning Worship
6.30pm Healing Communion
10.30am Holy Communion
6.30pm Prayer Evening
10.30am Free Morning Worship
10.30am Free Communion