The September weather was kind to us golf fans, not only did we have decent weather to finish off the golfing season bute also witnessed an amazing Ryder Cup at the fantastic Gleneagles resort.

Congratulations TEAM EUROPE
The images of Jamie Donaldson’s shot to secure the cup, Justin Rose holing every putt he looked at on the Saturday and Rory Mcilory’s master class 5&4 singles win over the inform Rickie Fowler will all stick in our memories for years to come….. Or at least until 2016 at Hazeltine National GC, Minneapolis. #bringthenoise

Product Review
But now that autumn has finally arried some golfers will put the clubs away to hibernate for the winter. Only us golf addicts will be playing come rain, shine or frost, with this in mind this month I have reviewed a golf product that will help us hardened golfers combat the wet and windy conditions this winter.

Introducing Mizuno’s Rain Fit Gloves
Mizuno tells us that, the wetter the weather gets, the better the Rain Fit glove gets. That’s because the gloves contain a clarino microfibre suede palm, which is activated by moisture so you get the best traction.
I tested these gloves on a day that saw a couple of heavy showers and the gloves certainly offered great grip in wet conditions, the clarino microfibe palm really did improve the worst the weather became. The traction they offered throughout the round was amazing and I felt that I could swing without fear of losing any grip.

The only slight negative I had with the Rain Fit gloves was that I wasn’t really a fan of wearing a pair of gloves. I think this is because I normally only wear one, however for many people this won’t be a problem and with some practice wearing both gloves I would get used to them.

In summary these gloves really do what Mizuno say, they are a great product for those wet and wintery days and possibly some days throughout our very British summer.

To stay in control in these less than favourable conditions these gloves are a must.

Coaches Tip – Wrap up for winter golf!
As we have said winter is just around the corner, one of the hardest aspects to adjust to this time of year is the amount of clothing you are wearing whilst playing this wonderful game.

So as mad as it sounds my tip is month is to practice in layers, hats and full waterproofs.

This way when that day comes, when you have to put all this extra clothing on to finish our game it won’t be such a shock. The strange looks you get practicing in all your winter clothing might be the difference between winning or losing, or even just getting out in the winter months with friends.

If you’re struggling with your golf game then please feel free to contact me for any coaching advice or to book a lesson.
