Liquid Concealer
To conceal lines like crow’s feet around the eyes, use a liquid concealer. The liquid covers the lines and creases while the waxy based concealer settles into the crevices you are trying to hide. The concealer in a click pen works best.
Use Moisturiser lots
No matter your age, moisturising to keep your skin supple is vital to any beauty regime. After you rinse your face, immediately slather your face with moisturiser. Wait for your skin to soak up the moisturiser before applying your makeup.
Yellow Tinted Makeup
One of the easiest ways to make your face lose years is to add warmth to your skin tone. You can add warmth to your complexion by using a yellow-tinted make-up. This does not mean you slather your face with mustard tinted makeup. It is much more subtle than that.
Use a Dampened Sponge
When you are applying your makeup, use a dampened sponge to dilute your makeup. Wet and wring the water out of your sponge, leaving it damp. Then, apply a tiny drop of makeup to the sponge. The water on the sponge acts as a thinning agent causing a translucent look as the makeup is applied to the skin. Opaque, heavy makeup makes you look older. The translucent effect makes your skin shimmer and you immediately look younger!
No more Dry Powder
As you age, your skin requires moisture to look young. To maintain the moisture throughout the day, you must have it layered on your skin. Use moisturising foundation, tinted moisturisers, gels, liquids, and other creamy substances. Anything that is a dry powder should be tossed out!
Flaunt Bone Structure
Chiseled jawlines are what younger, fatty faced people desire to have. They paint on blush to define their cheekbones. Embrace your skinnier looking face by emphasizing your bone structure.
Don’t overdo Brows
As you age, do not worry about plucking your eyebrows. You cannot make them look even because most likely your face is asymmetrical. If you get your eyebrows out of balance, your whole look is ruined. Pluck a few stray hairs if you must, but leave your brows intact or you will find yourself seeking professional help.
Eyeshadow Base
Eyeshadow base is one of the essential supplies in an aging woman’s makeup bag. If your eyelids have even the tiniest hint of lines, the eyeshadow alone will accentuate it. The eyeshadow base covers these tiny imperfections and helps you shed years quickly.
Chuck the Black Eyeliner
If you are like most women over the age of 29, you have been wearing black eyeliner for more years than you care to count. It is time to discard the old standby because it is showing your age! Use a brown creamy eyeliner for a more subtle eye enhancement. You will love the younger you that you see in the mirror.
Open Your Eyes
Focus on your eyes; after all, they can be your best feature. Curl your eyelashes in an upward sweep. This will help make your eyes look more youthful instead of drawing attention to the crows’ feet with false eyelashes.