Hi! I’m Molly, and I live in Bury St Edmunds and have done for the past ten years. Speaking of ten, I turned ten in December! I go to Hardwick Middle School. I have been given a column in the Bury St Edmunds Directories where I will write about friends, fashion, makeup, books and the latest films. Hope you all enjoy my pages! Molly xx
Book Review: ‘Girl Online’ By Zoe Sugg-
This is a new book by youtuber Zoe Sugg (aka Zoella) and it is called ‘Girl Online’. I highly recommend it to all you girls! It is all about a girl called Penny and a boy called Elliot. They live next door to each other and their rooms are adjoining. They have a secret knock code and the amount of knocks they do means different words. Penny suffers with panic attacks because of a mean girl called Megan. It is like she is out to destroy Penny’s life, she is so mean but yeah, seriously, you should get the book!
Fashion: The Choker-
A choker is a little thing that goes around your neck. It is basically just thread that is sowed into different shapes and patterns. It is a nice accessory to wear in your all day clothes (but I wouldn’t wear it to school!) they look very stylish. Maybe you could try to make your own?The choker in the image above is from Claires Accessories, it’s £4.
iphone 6s-
The newest iPhone is the iPhone 6s. It is so big, your hand can only just about fit around it! People say that the iPhone 6s bends, but it does not really bend, if might if you sat on it!
Friends can be a bit mean some days but sometimes you just have to get on with it, because as you get older you have to get on with more people, even if you don’t feel like it. If you want some help I recommend reading the book ‘Girl Online’ because it will help you through the journey of life. I am sorry to say this but you will always go through some hills in your life it will never be argument free.