Brought to you by Councillor Frank Warby
Symonds Road
The County Council after several complaints have erected bollards to prevent people from parking on the grass verge at the bottom of Symonds Road next to Shakers Lane. Sadly this has not stopped parents picking up their children coming from St James school. The verge is a mess, all churned up due to the cars being driven over it. This is a request from both myself and the county council. Please do not drive onto the verge and give the grass a chance to recover, take a little pride in the area.
You may have noticed a lot of work going on in the woods over the past two months. There has been a lot of clearing up and removal of unwanted shrubs. When landscaping is done by the developers, there is sometimes an over kill and these need controlling. The good part of this is that we now have some lovely wooded walks in and around the estate, safe and free of car fumes. I would also like to recognise the fantastic work carried out by Woodland Ways, a group of volunteers who do a wonderful job of keeping the areas clean and tidy. Anyone wishing to join the group just look at their page in the directory and contact them.
Every where I go and everyone I speak to has the same old complaint PARKING. Parking outside schools, double parking on roads so tr can’t get past and the worst parking on the paths, forcing parents with buggies into the road, please park with consideration for others. To ease parking in and around the shopping area, the Council tidied up the old community area off Heldhaw Road. There are 32 spaces there to be used as an overflow area, however when ever I go up there I see only one or two cars parked up, while on the other side cars are parked all over the place. Why not use the car park? It’s only a few steps more and the walk will do you good. I am speaking to the Council and trying to get some all day passes for some of the teachers from the school. Talking about schools we will have to put up with extra traffic and builders vehicles while the extra classes are being built at Sebert Wood and indeed Abbots Green.
I have had a long conversation with the Officer at the Borough Council regarding this play area, as to when it would be complete. The latest is that Taylor Wimpey are coming to the end of their maintenance period for the main area of the park and other areas of open space between Mount Road, Lady Miriam Way and Skyliner with the ownership and maintenance responsibilities transferring to St Edmundsbury Borough Council during the spring. In order to get on with the creation of the play area, tender documents will be sent out later this month with work commencing in early June and completion by late July. This is very good news and I for one look forward to its completion as there is a need for something up in that area. The multi use games area which is already in use has proved very popular, its basketball and tennis areas are very good.
There are two new faces at the helm of our local pub, Mrs Liz Lagan is our new Landlady together with Mr Conrad Lagan both are looking forward to serving the community and already settling in, so pop along and introduce your selves and have a glass or two. Welcome Liz and Conrad. We would like to wish our last landlords Georgina and Bill the very best in their new venture and thank them for their excellent work.
Once again thank you for your comments, until next time, Frank Warby