At its meeting on the 23rd May the St Edmundsbury Borough Council Democratic Renewal Working Party decided against allowing Moreton Hall its own Parish Council.

It looks as if Regional Government with a directly elected mayor may be forced upon us without the voters say so. Will this mean fewer councillors covering a larger area?  By the time this article appears this issue will have been discussed by both Suffolk County Council and St Edmundsbury Borough Council. The proposal is for an elected Mayor covering Norfolk and Suffolk, if all the local authorities in Norfolk and Suffolk agree. The voters should be consulted about the whole issue. At least a Parish Council would not be remote unlike a Regional Mayor.
The land to the east of Lady Miriam Way is in Rougham Ward.
So what you may say!
However you may not realise that Sybil Andrews Academy and the 500 new homes will be in Rougham Ward.  MHRA feel that the 500 houses and the Sybil Andrews Academy which is being built specifically for pupils from Abbots Green and Sebert Wood should be in Moreton Hall Ward as there is an affinity already there and submitted proposals to that effect to the 23rd May meeting of the Democratic Renewal working party.
Under Bury 2031 this whole area was designed as the Moreton Hall Expansion area.
Logical to include it in a rural parish whose centre is the other side of the A14, and 3 miles away from Moreton Hall? The decision defies logic.  MHRA’s proposal was voted against, but we are told at the end of the day the Boundary Commission will have the final say.
Suffolk County Council seems to have ignored the public consultation and petition from Bury over the loss of one fire engine at the Bury Fire Station. What is the point of consulting if you ignore the results? and has anyone at the County thought about the increases in population and housing over the next 15 years in the town?
Progress continues to be made on the construction of the new road due to open in the summer of 2017 and plans are afoot for the development of the extension to Suffolk Business Park both from the Lady Miriam Way end and the Rougham end to provide new business space and further job opportunities. This is to be welcomed and actively encouraged.
If the car parks at Lawson Place and the Community Centre are full don’t forget the Heldhaw Road car park which usually has spaces available.
We have a stall at the Abbots Green Summer Fayre on Saturday the 9 th July and as always are here to listen and take up any issues you may have.
Our committee meetings are open to all residents and our next meeting is at the Moreton Hall Community Centre on Thursday 7th July at 7.30 pm.
Robert Houlton-Hart
Secretary, Moreton Hall Residents Association
E Mail

