We have so many incredible fundraisers and I want to tell you about a rather special group who have supported us since 2014. The Greyhound Public House at Ixworth have raised almost £22,000 to date which is just phenomenal! They raised the money by holding quiz nights, crib nights and golf days and each year the Greyhounds landlord, Colin Pearce, undertakes a 100 mile bike ride to raise money, no mean feat as Colin lost his leg four years ago. Losing his leg is what led Colin and his wife Sue to start fundraising for the charity. Their first donation was to the physio department and they have since also purchased equipment for the breast unit, special cots for the maternity ward and reclining chairs for ward F14. Back in February we attended a presentation evening where, along with quiz master Ray Coleman and his wife Glynis, they presented us with their biggest cheque yet for an incredible £5,570. This years’ donation means a new Niox machine has been purchased for the hospitals respiratory paediatric patients and such a fantastic amount means there is even some change! A Niox machine is device for assessing airway inflammation in patients with respiratory problems such as asthma. The total is kept a secret from everyone until the last moment, even Colin only tots it up just before he presents it! The pub was full of regulars who support them over the year and everyone was just thrilled to hear what had been raised. It’s also great to see all the big cheques adorning the walls and showcasing just what they have done over the past few years. To support us for 5 years is truly incredible; Colin, Sue, Ray and Glynis really are fundraising angels. Year six has started, so if you are heading towards Ixworth do pop in and enjoy a pint and something to eat with these fab community spirited people.

Last weekend saw us meet with another fantastic fundraising group at Hardwick Heath, as we supported the Bury Town Lions under 13’s football team as they took on their 50 mile challenge. The team were raising money for our WiSH Upon a Star appeal with the money raised going to the physiotherapy department to purchase some new specialist steps which will aid patients of all ages with their recovery, particularly our hip spica children. Although it was an early(ish) start the group were in great spirits and were eager to get going with their challenge. We even had a few parents and the coach (and mastermind behind the fundraising) Phil Brown take part in the run to help the boy’s clock up those all-important miles. The group did an absolutely fantastic job and not only did they complete their challenge in just two hours, they actually exceeded their target and ran a total of 65 miles…that’s nearly three marathons! It was a pleasure to be on hand to dish out My WiSH medals to them all before they headed off to continue the bucket collection whilst watching Bury Town play.

Sue Smith
Fundraising Manager
