A big thank you to all who attended the AGM in November and an apology for the poor quality of the speaker system.

Our aim for that meeting was to obtain, from the speakers, updates on their areas of expertise, which they did and whether or not there is a comprehensive “Joint Transport (Infrastructure) Strategy “ for future planned developments within and surrounding Bury St Edmunds, for which there is apparently not.

We already know that the Eastern Relief Road, servicing the Business Park,is going ahead and will do little to ease traffic flow on Moreton Hall. The suggested replacement of roundabouts with traffic lights and prioritising a flow to the Sudbury bound A134 is designed to keep traffic free flowing on the A14, not Moreton Hall. The building of 500 houses on Moreton Hall and 1250 across the tracks at Cattershall, could? Or will? turn Moreton Hall into The north east Bury St Edmunds “Rat Run” – where are the Traffic Flow Surveys that say different, have they been done to the highest of standards or one which the Council could afford?

Schools, should the transport of pupils to and from school be part of a “Joint Transport Strategy “? At present Abbots Green School is coping with car drop off and picups and it remains to be seen what the future brings. However Sebert Wood School has problems now and the Headmaster has a target date for his input whilst the County Council and Borough Council are in conflict ver one of the proposed solutions involving “Park and Stride”. The problems arise from the amount of traffic and irresponsible/inconsiderate parking when delivering or retrieving pupils. Not everyone is able to cycle, scoot or walk to school and the reasons for are legion and legitimate so how should the problem be dealt with? Should the Council or Education Authorities provide transport, parking or drop off points near schools, would parents/guardians be prepared to contribute voluntarily to a scheme?

Residents have made known some reservations about the new secondary school but if needed no action can be taken until the plans are made public.

My last question, what is to be done to get it right? And the answer let the Councils know what WE want. Complain, suggest, ask for what we need and thank them if you think they’ve got it right. So communicate directly with your County, Borough and Town Councillors, directly to Council Departments or via MHRA.

A piece of good news about Flying Fortress Park, play equipment should be installed by April 2015 and Taylor Wimpey are dealing with the areas subject to flooding

Archie Wotherspoon MHRA Co Chairman
