Since our article in the first edition of the Southgate Directory we’ve received some very exciting news. At our January Residents Association Public Meeting Councillor Sarah Stamp announced that the play park, known to some of you as the tip or the dump, is being refurbished. St Edmundsbury Borough Council has agreed to fund this at a cost of £60,000 and Sarah has offered an additional £5,000 from her locality budget towards this project. The work will commence after April 2015.

We met with St Edmundsbury Borough Council and Melanie Lesser from Bury in Bloom last week and the council has agreed to allow us to develop the wooded area in Home Farm Lane behind the shopping precinct into a community garden.   If you would like to volunteer to help with this please email

These two projects are the biggest and most exciting things to happen on the Nowton Estate for a number of years. Please, if you can, support them.

Parking is an ongoing problem in our area and Suffolk County Council will be consulting local residents, where appropriate, regarding possible parking restrictions.

Further information on all the above can be found on our website where you can also become a member of the NNRA, subscription is £2.50 per household per year. This will help with the running costs of the association and enable the committee to support events and projects within the community.

If you have a problem or an issue you would like help with please email us and we will do all we can to assist in resolving it.

Date for your diary – NNRA Public Meeting Tuesday 3rd March 6.30pm at Southgate Community Centre where the play park will be on the Agenda. Bring your children along so they can have their say on the development of the park.

Ann Williamson


