This the season for spring cleaning. It’s a season where we toss out the old to make room for the new. We shake off the symbolic layers of winter and get ready to bloom.
You don’t have to stop with dusting and purging your house to reap the full benefits of spring cleaning. Your skin care regimen needs a boost, too.
Here’s how to transition from winter to spring with fresh, fabulous skin.
Spring cleaning is a great opportunity to purge old cosmetics and skin care products. These products do have a shelf life. Old, outdated products can harbour bacteria and lose their effectiveness.
Check the dates on your products. You may want to toss the following:
Anything past the expiration date
Products that appear dry or crusty
Anything that has changed consistency, colour, or smell
Anything with an SPF older than one year (SPF loses its effectiveness over time and it’s just not worth the risk.)
Mascara older than three months. (Always toss it after three months, regardless of how much there is remaining.)
Old, dirty make-up brushes and sponges
The cold, dry days of winter may be over, but your dry, flaky skin remains. Spring is a good time for deep exfoliation and cleansing. During winter, much of our skin is “out of sight, out of mind.” Long pants, long sleeves, and warm socks may have prevented you from seeing the rough, dry skin building up on your feet, knees, and elbows. Exfoliate off that old layer of dry skin and make room for spring.
Rinse and moisturise
For a deep cleansing facial mask that is sure to leave your complexion glowing, combine:
1 teaspoon plain yogurt
1 teaspoon honey
½ of an unripe papaya
Mix the ingredients in a food processor or blender and then apply to your face for 8 to 10 minutes. Rinse and moisturise.
Adjust your skin care routine to reflect the seasonal changes that come with spring. A few changes necessitated by spring:
Switch to a lighter moisturiser.
Higher temperatures result in oilier skin for everyone, not just those with a tendency to oily skin. It’s important to use a lighter moisturiser during spring. If you prefer not to switch to a new moisturiser, you can try mixing some rosewater into your thick, winter moisturiser.
Exfoliate more often. Depending on the climate and your skin type, you may need to exfoliate more often in the spring and summer.
Lighten up. For spring and summer, use a lighter foundation and lighter, brighter make-up colours. The dull, drab days of winter are behind you—freshen up!
Sunscreen is important all year, but imperative in the spring and summer when more of your skin is exposed for longer periods of time. Stay vigilant with sunscreen.