Ballroom dancing, it’s not all sequins, lycra and fake tans you know… We visit Bury Ballroom to find out more.
It’s that time of year when I find myself ever so slightly obsessed with Strictly Come Dancing, and I expect I’m not alone… I don’t know if it’s the glitz and the glamour or the fact that Strictly has pretty much single-handedly made ballroom dancing cool again, but either way my Saturday nights until Christmas will be sequin-clad and lycra-fille – and that’s just my husband.
When Lisa, from Bury Ballroom invited Jeremy and I to come along to a lesson, we ‘cha cha cha’d’ right on over.
The lessons are fun and informal with up-to-date music, Lisa is keen to shake off the ol fashioned image ballroom once had.
Instructors Lisa and Simon, started by giving us some tuition on a basic waltz steps and I can say, it’s harder than it looks! But it didn’t take long to get the hang of it, and once we’d started, we were keen to keep on going.
After our crash course in waltz, we sat out the rest of the lesson and marvelled at the skills of the other couples. After a quick warm up the couples got going on a couple of dierent dances (Rumba and Waltz) with Lisa and Simon demonstrating and oering advice if they were finding moves tricky.
The classes are all-inclusive, with people at dierent levels, but everyone was smiling, laughing and generally just enjoying themselves.
It’s a fantastic hobby to take up, especially if you’re looking for something to do with your partner. And guys, if you’re a little reluctant to get your groove on, Lisa’s partner Simon is an ex-rugby player – so there’s no excuse!
We spoke to Ray and his friend Sara who have been attending classes for 2 years with Lisa. Ray said “It’s a great way of keeping fit, and Lisa and Simon made it fun, I love it”.
Beginners classes are £10 per couple and start again on 1st October at the Southgate Centre on Wednesdays from 7pm–7.45pm – you can join in at any time but the earlier you do the better, spaces are limited. Or if you’re not quite ready to start, you can join in January with new beginners classes on Mondays at the British Sugar Social Club from 7pm-7.45pm.
To join or if you’d like more information, just give Lisa a call on 07808 208814 or visit the website at