Another month has flown by at Abbots Green and we cannot believe that we are already halfway through the academic year!
This month the children in Years 4 and 5 had a fabulous opportunity when they met children’s author Jo Cotterill. The inspiring visit was organised by Philip Daws, Reading Champion for The Bury School’s Partnership and the children thoroughly enjoyed their time with the popular author. Jo’s latest book ‘Electrigirl’ had only just recently been released and the children avidly listened while Jo read excerpts from her book and talked to the children about life as an author.
The children in our Reception Classes had a visit out of school to a local building site where they learned more about materials as part of our whole school project “Rock, Paper, Scissors.”
The building contractors, Brooks and Wood, made the site visit really memorable for the children and even inspired them to construct their own buildings on return to school later that day. The children also enjoyed spotting the first signs of Spring during their walk through the Moreton Hall Estate en route to the site.
A selection of Year 4 children took part in the Bury School’s Partnership Tag Rugby competition. The children demonstrated superb team work and applied the skills that they have learnt from Mr Payne, our Year 5 teacher and P.E Leader. The team were fantastic ambassadors for Abbots Green at this event and we are exceptionally proud of them all.
And finally this month… our mouths have been watering each week when we discover the tasty treats that have been conjured up in our brand new Food Technology Room by children attending our after school cookery club!